Table of Contents
- Are CBD products over the counter?
- What is the current price of CBD oil?
- The CBD Shopping Experience: Retail Vs. Online
- Are CBD products sold other places besides local dispensaries and on websites on the internet?
- Are CBD products sold at CVS and Walgreens?
- Can I buy CBD Oil at Walgreens?
- Can I buy CBD at Walmart?
You wake up.
It’s Saturday morning!
You have your coffee.
You get in the shower…
You get dressed, grab your car keys, rub behind the dog’s ears, and then head out the door and drive toward the grocery nothing special about today.
You drive your usual route, perhaps thinking about where to buy CBD products nearby.
You pass by the same gas stations, fast-food chain restaurants that you see on your drive home from work everyday. You see the same oil change place – however, it’s busier this morning than you've noticed on previous got about a half a mile to left before you make a left.
You’ve got about a half a emile to left before you make a left.
And as usual, you start to chastise yourself. Because, as you look around you while you go down the road you realize how forgetful you are.
When you left the house only minutes ago, one of the first thoughts that had popped into your head as you pulled out of the driveway was: All these cars on the road this morning – not usual.
As usual, though, there are very few; you can almost count them all on one hand, as you travel from your neighborhood to the grocery store.
Yet, when you stop at a stop light, and you look out to the left at the strip mall you notice how there’s a new business.
You ask yourself: “Huh? When did that go in there?”
Your voice is now ringing, you notice how this morning’s red light seems to be taking longer than usual to change to green.
While waiting for the light, you study the new business. You gaze at the storefront; your eyes look over a medium-sized sign mounted above the doorway. It’s royal blue, maybe; has white letters done in a bold, heroic font. It looks so new that immediately you wonder if it’s been printed or painted the day prior.
The light suddenly catches your attention. It’s turned green, finally.
But before you push down on the gas pedal and make your left, you note the new business's name: CBD & Vape Village.
With CBD a popular alternative health treatment today for everything from anxiety, stress, depression to sleep apnea and epilepsy – there’s now a CBD dispensary on just about every corner across all of America's suburban areas.
Anyone curious about CBD and how it can impact their life, is probably also curious about where it can be purchased. Is it better to purchase locally, from a dispensary? Or best to purchase from an online ecommerce store?
Both are very good questions.
In this article we’re going to answer both of those questions, but also talk about the Pros and Cons of purchasing CBD from your local dispensary versus purchasing it from a trusted, ecommerce website.
Are CBD products over the counter?
CBD products are over the counter. Currently, no prescription is required in order to be able to purchase either Full Spectrum or Broad Spectrum CBD products in the United States.
With CBD legal in all 50 states, an impressive range of multi-potency CBD products like CBD edibles, CBD oil, CBD honey sticks, CBD lotions, CBD muscle gels, CBD bath bombs from dozens and dozens of different brands are now so readily-available that you can purchase them without any fanfare at a dispensary or via your favorite website.
Dispensaries usually carry a fun variety of CBD products. Stop into your local dispensary on a random day of the week and you’ll find several different flavors of CBD gummies, but also a healthy selection of CBD vaping liquid (in quixotic and exotic flavors), CBD cookies, CBD potato chips, CBD hard candies, etc.
One CBD product dispensaries tend to not do very much with, though, is CBD Oil.
Depending on the location and clientele CBD oil doesn’t tend to fly off the shelves like other CBD products such as hemp-infused edibles consumers, CBD honey sticks, CBD hard rock candies, or CBD-infused lip balm as a result of it being too expensive.
What is the current price of CBD oil?
Pricing on CBD oil is determined by several different factors.
Most bottles of CBD Oil sold in a dispensary or on a website contain anywhere from 250 - 2500 milligrams of Cannabidol extract per bottle. 250 milligrams per bottle implies that the product is likely of a lower potency. 2500 milligrams per bottle implies that the product is likely of a very high potency.
Cannabidiol extract price is determined by source of strain, extraction method, and infusion partner. Canabidiol sourced from hemp tends to cost less than Cannabidiol sourced from the sativa or indica variations of the cannabis plant. The cost of Cannabidiol extract also varies as a result of it being made available in both full spectrum and broad spectrum.
Full spectrum Cannabidiol can have up to 0.03% THC.
Broad spectrum extract undergoes an additional filtering process which in the end renders it with 0.0% THC.
On average, CBD Oil can range in price from $.04 cents per milligram to $0.20 cents per milligram.
Another factor to consider when it comes to understanding how CBD Oil is priced is what is infused with before it’s sold to consumers. For example, the price of CBD fluxs is drastically based on whether it’s infused with alcohol vs. organic MCT oil before being bottled and sold on the CBD market.
With anything for sale via a retail location or on the internet, deciding how you should purchase the high-quality CBD that you’re after should only be decided after you’ve had some time to carefully-weigh the many advantages and disadvantages to both.
Here are a few of the Pros and Cons when it comes to buying CVD locally from a dispensary or buying it off the internet from a verified, trusted ecommerce website.
The CBD Shopping Experience: Retail Vs. Online
Shopping experience can mean everything to some people. Shopping in an actual store vs. on a computer can be a lot of fun.
Some like to “do things” the old-fashioned way. Others like the “thrill of the hunt.” Shopping in a store versus on a computer can also just give people “something to do” too.
Stores have an atmosphere, they can have an attractive environment. Stores can have a palpable energy. A person can walk into a brick and mortar store, for example, and have their senses heightened.
Anything visual can dazzle the eye. A smell can inspire a hodge-podge of varied sensations and succinct feelings. Touching the tangible, physically holding something in your hand, for example, stimulates the human brain in a million different ways.
Interaction is also important.
Interacting with human beings in a retail setting can be insightful, instructive. Listening to a sales pitch, or hearing a store employee speak about how other customers have responded to a particular product can be helpful in point-of-sale scenarios.
Humans also get pleasure out of being given attention, being waited on. Getting the “star treatment” makes someone feel special, makes them feel seen.
Engagement also allows for opportunities to ask questions about a particular product. Face-to-face store visits can also lead to product sampling, etc.
Unfortunately, buying your CBD on the internet doesn’t allow for any of the above experiences one may have when shopping in-person.
But it does offer a whole other set of benefits.
Buying CBD online saves you money. Buying CBD at a local dispensary means that you’ll effectively be paying as much as 3 to 5 times more for it than you would buying it online.
The reason is simple: Brick and mortar locations have overhead.
They have to purchase the CBD products from their manufacturers to re-sell. They have to pay rent for the building to keep their location; pay employees a wage; medical insurance, fire insurance, theft insurance, etc.
Don’t care about how you purchase CBD? Then shopping for your CBD derived from hemp and cannabis on the internet is going to be very rewarding.
If you don’t care about interacting with people, sampling products, or holding a physical CBD edible package, bottle of CBD oil, tube of CBD lotion before purchasing, then shopping on the internet for your CBD products will save you a ton of money.
Without overhead usually-associated with owning and operating a retail location, purchasing CBD online can get you a big discount, but also reward perks as well.
Many internet CBD retailers offer an opportunity to become a part of a rewards club. Joining a rewards club can be beneficial whether you’re a CBD Newbie or a daily CBD regime person.
CBD companies thrive as a result of seeing many repeat customers, so if you become one, ultimately, they’ll reward you with every purchase.
Most have a points reward system to get customers to return to their website. For example: Spend $20 dollars on their website and you get 20 Points.
Points can be redeemed on their website; save up 100 or 200 points and cash them in for great things like extra discounts on specific CBD products for a limited time only; even get your favorite CBD products for free.
Another perk when shopping for CBD online is variety. Visiting your local dispensary will only allow you to purchase a particular brand. Dispensaries tend not to stock a wide-variety of brands when it comes to offering CBD edibles, CBD oils, CBD lotions, etc.
A local retailer usually stocks 1-5 brands only. Shopping online lets you choose from 100s of CBD brands that are on the market.
Retailers also require that you purchase in a specific volume as well. Walking into a retail store for CBD can force you into purchasing at a volume that you may not be comfortable, want, or even need.
If you’re trying CBD for the first time, you may not want to purchase a 50 ct bottle of a specific flavor of CBD gummies before you’ve even tried the brand or the flavor and taken the time to reflect upon any of its positive benefits.
It is immediately a question of value vs. cost.
CBD Newbies are always better served when they shop online because it provides them with an opportunity to test various brands, test flavors, check out the quality of the product per brand, try various milligrams per servings, etc.
Walking into a CBD retail store can be overwhelming to some newbies, due to their “Costco Strategy.”
Think about it like this: If you are curious about trying a new candy bar or a new soft drink that’s just come out on the market, generally, you wouldn’t go to Costco and purchase it in bulk before you’ve had a chance to try it, right?
Shopping for high-potency CBD online lets you avoid having to purchase in bulk.
Some online CBD retailers that sell several different brands do also offer 1-2 sample serving packets for a small price.
Variety is the spice of life! So, what makes online CBD retailers stand out from local dispensaries in their ability to be able to offer hundreds of different CBD companies’ products at the same time. They offer hundreds of CBD brands in a variety of package / bottle quantities, different milligrams per serving, flavor choices, physical size, shape, and texture, etc.
Anyone interested in experiencing CBD therapy for themselves for the first time, would always prefer purchasing a 5-pack trial size to test the “waters,” instead of being forced into purchasing a 50-count bottle when they don’t if they’ll ever try it again.
Are CBD products sold other places besides local dispensaries and on websites on the internet?
Yes, they are. CBD products can also be found for sale at some independently-owned gas stations depending on where you live.
But purchasing a high-potency CBD product, made from Cannabidiol derived from the hemp plant from any other place other than your local dispensary or from your favorite trusted website may result in you taking a poor-quality product.
Most CBD retailers and websites sell high-quality products.
Legitimate companies in the CBD industry are always transparent.
These companies tend to share the list of ingredients in their products. They tend to share where they’ve sourced ingredients. They explain extractraction process used in order to Cannabidiol from the hemp or cannabis plant. And most importantly, they make available reports from third party lab-testing firms for each of their products for sale.
Never buy a CBD product from a local dispensary or from an online retailer that doesn’t openly disclose its quality and potency, as determined by a third party testing firm.
Lab test results can tell a consumer everything they need to know about a particular CBD product before they fork over their hard-earned money to purchase it.
A lab report on the product you’re thinking about buying will confirm that product's ingredients, the quality of those ingredients, and it will report the baseline potency versus what the company claims about it on the ingredient label or in their marketing.
Are CBD products sold at CVS and Walgreens?
Yes. Since 2019, CBD-infused products have been available at both of the pharmacy companies. Both CVS and Walgreen sell CBD products made by a couple different brands on their official ecommerce websites and in select locations across the United States.
Can I buy CBD Oil at Walgreens?
No, Walgreens does not currently sell any CBD Oil products. Although, the pharmacy retail chain does offer a few different brands of CBD lotions and muscle gels, etc.
Can I buy CBD at Walmart?
CBD products are not sold in Walmart stores. The company’s website, however, does currently offer a few CBD products for sale. The CBD products on Walmart’s official website presently include CBD lip balm, CBD lotion, and CBD muscle gel, etc. Walmart’s official website also sells CBD print materials as well. The company sells several different books about CBD therapy, CBD culture, etc.
As you can see, there are many advantages and disadvantages when it comes to buying your CBD products from a retail location and from the internet.
Ultimately, where you choose to purchase your CBD products is totally up to you.
CBD products can improve quality of life, help people that suffer from anxiety, depression, stress, sleep apnea, epilepsy.
Scientific research that champions CBD as an alternative treatment for many disorders and diseases should give many out in the world who suffer from debilitating medical conditions some hope for the future.